IM Strategic Business Overview

Hello, My name is Victor Maggio, founder of IMStrategic – The Leaders in Helping People Transition into a business of their Own.  People from all walks of life are joining our successful team, who are dedicated to helping each other realize their dream of working for themselves.

Because of today’s economic climate, many professionals are seeking additional, more stable sources of income to add to their current financial portfolio from outside the confines and uncertainties of corporate America. They also want to be involved in their children’s lives and have time left over for themselves.  They want assurance, security and a Life to call their own!   Do you think we have a market here?  We definitely do.  And this was the inspiration behind IMStrategic. 

Strategic Professionals today can’t rely on the financial markets anymore, so they are turning in record numbers to starting their own businesses.   They are looking for a business to call their own with the earning potential to surpass that which is available for the fortunate few who can climb the corporate ladder—but not the trappings that go with it. Or maybe just a part-time business that could replace a full time career over time -- or just a spare time business that could cover a mortgage, pay down debt or pad a retirement fund.   Unfortunately the costs of starting a traditional business are high and the risk involved deters a great many who would do well to be their own boss.  At IMStrategic we have taken away any of the risk associated with owning your own business and built a business model that makes it easy for anyone to get started and start making money immediately.

We have a unique business concept that allows you to work right at home without interfering with your current career.  This is a business that doesn’t require any large up-front capital, inventory or overhead.  There are no employees, paperwork or franchise fees. You don’t have to run around selling products, taking orders, delivering goods or collecting money. This is not MLM, Amway, Nuskin, Herbalife or any direct sales business.  By using the power of the internet, emerging markets and a streamlined, turn-key system that is already in place—you can be in business and earning income today!  You are in business for yourself but not by yourself!  With a seasoned team of professionals who have gone before you and have an interest in your success, there is no limit as to what you will be able to achieve. 

So exactly what do we do?   We have partnered with a 18 year old,  privately held manufacturer  that did over a half-billion dollars in sales in 2003 alone.  They market high quality, cost effective, health and wellness products.  Preferred Customers order direct through their catalog or online for the kinds of things they are already using and consuming every day—only these products are so unique that their re-order rate is well over 90%.  Preferred Customers pay a one-time membership fee of $29 to be able to shop with them directly and the only way they find out about the membership is through an existing member!  We act as the marketing arm for their membership program.   We build a member base and they pay us on the ongoing orders of these members.  Sound simple?  It is.  It’s a concept that was introduced to me over 11 years ago—and I totally missed it!

You see, I was involved in the IT industry and I didn’t know the consumer products industry well enough to understand that in good times or bad, recession or not— there are things people just can’t live without—everyday household consumables.  Things like laundry products, cleaning items, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant and lotions.

Companies like Proctor and Gamble, Lever Brothers, Colgate Palmolive, and others spend billions in advertising dollars every year to convince you to buy their products.  And we do!  However, at the sacrifice of an inferior product that does not perform as well as they could. 

Well, we have a great alternative to the way we buy these kinds of products.  Rather than advertising, this manufacturer uses quality, value,  performance and word of mouth referrals to sell their products.  It’s the best kind of advertising, because a good friend isn’t going to steer you wrong.  You already make a lot of buying decisions this way.  I always try to get a referral from a friend when seeking a healthcare professional, when choosing a restaurant or a movie—you do too!  But now you can get paid for your referrals—because this company invites us to help spread the word about their exceptional products and services and you get paid every time they re-order!. 

So, I missed it the first time but 2 years later I finally got it and over the last 91/2 years I have helped 130 people open accounts to buy direct.  As some of these customers have helped others open accounts—I now receive override residuals on close to 6,000 preferred customers who shop from the catalog or online every single month.  Imagine a business that isn’t dependent solely on your efforts. These are Real people, buying real products that they really need month after month.  It’s a concept that just makes sense. 

Over 3 million dollars worth of products are purchased by my customers every year—providing a residual override commission in the hundreds of thousands every year.   Not bad for an investment of $29.00 and just switching brands.  Can you build a business like mine or is it too late?  It is never too late.  You see you are paid for what you do once you join-- not when you get on board—you don’t have to be the first one in. You can have much more success than others,  but not at the expense of others.   It is an even playing field and everyone has an opportunity to win here.  This is a real business and if you treat it that way it will reward you accordingly.

We invite you to join us and when you do, we’ll provide you with the support and training that you will need to achieve your specific goals.  With our track record, team building approach and streamlined training systems all that you need to bring to the table is a strong desire to change your life.

I encourage you to find out more details on how you can be a part of this unique business.  Contact the individual who referred you to our site and they will make arrangements to provide you with the details of our corporate partnership and invite you to one or our Live Online or Teleconference Presentations.

Victor Maggio

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